Obviously, police and military monopoly of power is last resort.

What do, though?

  • bbnh69420 [she/her, they/them]@hexbear.net
    3 months ago

    What’s the difference between material needs and treats? You can’t end your provision of people’s needs partway, isn’t this why China is taking the “poverty isn’t socialism” road?

    • vovchik_ilich [he/him]@hexbear.net
      3 months ago

      Material need: everyone having access to quality housing, food, energy, clothing, and appliances that make their lives easier such as fridges or washing machines.

      Treat: 24 different brands of frozen pizza, cheap jeans and fast fashion, changing your TV every 4 years, and hear me out, a car per household.

      The line is arbitrary, but then again morality is subjective.

      As for China taking the “poverty isn’t socialism line”, while I agree with the idea that communism isn’t a poverty cult, I carefully disagree with the methodology of the CPC in terms of economics until they decide to eliminate the bourgeoisie as a class in their country, and to bring socialism on a worldwide scale. I don’t know how far I can trust the CPC in their intentions to do so, but the modern Chinese state is not to me an example of the society I want, and I will accept that it’s a worthwhile path to socialism when they actually do the turn and eliminate the bourgeois and move towards a centrally planned economy. My hope is that I’m wrong and China will finally step up in the following decades after overtaking the US