For the better part of two years, artificial intelligence technologies have been a nonstop gift for US equities investors. The Nasdaq 100 Index rose 92% from the start of 2023, adding more than $14 trillion in value and minting billions for a handful of tech executives and founders.
I could see Puts on QQQ or other tech heavy ETFs being a good interday trade. IDK what a good Put would look like as a long term hold. Like you said Theta eats away at your value.
Options aren’t built for long-term speculation. Maybe futures are the better way to trade this dip?
I could see Puts on QQQ or other tech heavy ETFs being a good interday trade. IDK what a good Put would look like as a long term hold. Like you said Theta eats away at your value.
Options aren’t built for long-term speculation. Maybe futures are the better way to trade this dip?