For the better part of two years, artificial intelligence technologies have been a nonstop gift for US equities investors. The Nasdaq 100 Index rose 92% from the start of 2023, adding more than $14 trillion in value and minting billions for a handful of tech executives and founders.
Call it Titan II because it’s sinking more money faster than anything since that beautiful imploding submersible
(I just wanted everyone to enjoy the memory of when that stupid submersible imploded. Almost like a prelude to Year of Luigi. Now China is trying to 1929 the entire AI tech bubble)
Call it Titan II because it’s sinking more money faster than anything since that beautiful imploding submersible
(I just wanted everyone to enjoy the memory of when that stupid submersible imploded. Almost like a prelude to Year of Luigi. Now China is trying to 1929 the entire AI tech bubble)