The race hinged more on the candidates’ organizing and fundraising resumes than on their postures regarding the ideological soul of the party, as it did in 2017, after President Donald Trump’s previous election win…
They’re going to eat shit again in 2028.
lol, I’m pretty sure fundraising is the ideological soul of the party…
Not until after they go through another billion dollars
ideological soul of the party
wait what, when did they get one of those?
actual, literal, unironic controlled opposition
it is imperative that democrats never win an election again for the rest of american history
Serious question - how shitty is he?
Could be worse
Dog shit
Worse than dog shit
Words fail
i googled him, here’s an excerpt from an article
"Ken Martin, a longtime Democratic tactician and Minnesota state party leader, was elected chair of the Democratic National Committee on Saturday, calling for Democrats to take a more pugilistic stand against a Republican-controlled Washington as the party seeks to rebuild following its losses in November.
“This is a new DNC,” he told reporters after his election. “We’re taking the gloves off.”
Martin said, “I’ve always viewed my role as a chair of the Democratic Party to take the low road, so my candidates and elected officials can take the high road, meaning, I’m going to throw a punch.” "
whether or not he actually “throws a punch” we’ll see. (my guess is he wont but i know nothing about him)
Take a lunch at the left lol
Minnesota probably places him in the 2-4 range
5 only because there are even worse dems out there
Isn’t this the guy who said he’s taking the “good” billionaires money?