Still leaves ‘absurd dumpster truck’ and ‘blatant waste of money’ and ‘oversized trashcan lid’ and ‘penis substitute’ wide open.
Anyone buying one before was a mug anyone holding onto one deserves the ridicule. It won’t go away because you’re butthurt and crying to the mods, welcome to the internet it’s been 40 years of piss taking and calling out.
Is it just me that thinks this is satire? There’s no way someone unironically said they’d report negative comments
Poes Law, etc. I was wondering the same thing but if it is it’s not very good or funny.
I’ve been calling them cybercucks
Thoughts and prayers
Hey look, a Nazimobile!
Don’t worry that you do not have the self awareness to be ashamed and embarrassed about owning a tesla product everyone who sees you driving it is ashamed and embarrassed for you.
What a swasticuck
Let’s not use “cuck” as a slur, please.
speaking as a bull, i think the cucks enjoy humiliation
We found the cuck.
I’m so sick of everything being turned into a “slur”. Get a grip and grow a thicker skin. Stop trying to police everyone else’s vocabulary.
I’m also getting sick of everything turned into a slur, so maybe don’t do it, then.
What if your name/identity/love was a slur? I don’t think you’d grow a thicker skin!
Found the cuck.
I’m afraid your joke attempt was too sublime…
Unless they are into it
Sure but generally they’re not, it’s not BDSM and even then all BDSM is different.
And even then, a person descriptor like that shouldn’t be an insult by default.
I just feel like maybe Lemmy isn’t right for some of you guys. You’re just middle of the road, vanilla pudding, fence sitting boring. You guys would be better off on Reddit discussing the new Marvel property. No one needs nazi defenders nor pearl-clutchers on Lemmy, it’s already the only mentality allowed on virtually all other social media.
I think if you want to turn people identities into slurs that Lemmy isn’t the right place for you, you might enjoy Xitter they seem to love it.
Fuck off back to Tumblr
Or stay. No one cares
I didn’t, but I also didn’t get my panties in a bunch over it. There is literally no shortage of padded rooms on the Internet for you, where your book club or whatever you’re into can gossip about whatever you like without the fear of hearing bad no no words.
Unlike you, the Most Interesting Person In The World.
Never said I was. 🤷
Tell that to the magats
What about crayon-eater then?
I guess that’s fairly harmless… Why?
It’s another term for window licker.
C’mon guys, leave the poor Marines out of this
deleted by creator
You could probably find a cucktruck reference in the Simpsons somewhere, somehow.
My mind immediately went to Barney as Plow King
It took me a few posts to realize it’s not satire. He’s just rage baiting.
It really comes off as satire on some posts and rage baiting on others. It’s really bizarre.
He looks to be on verge of tears. What a bland life if your identity is so tightly wrapped around the swasticar.
Hate speech?
Fuck off, fascist. You never believed in it before.
I’m not sure hate speech can even really be applied to vehicles. Oh, and it definitely isn’t misinformation, as they are probably terrible.
It’s a satire fb page
Reverse image search. Not that it’s worth the effort, Facebook is almost entirely garbage anyways
FB was doomed the moment the Boomers decided it was theirs.
Boomers just never left, the rest of us did
Thank you!
This guy jerks to elons weird chested swimsuit pix.
He look like a Rob Liefeld character.
I knew exactly what you were referring to, and I honestly just have to sit with that for a minute. That’s bleak.
swasti-car? genius