• General@lemmygrad.mlOP
      1 year ago

      Yeah! It is crazy that in every western search engine, the pictures that come from him are of him looking serious, but the ones on Yandex are all of him looking happy and stylish. You can clearly see the bias of the western search engine.

      • Guildo@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        I hope you won’t get mad - but the style of the renegade Kautsky was much better (guy on the right with sunglasses)

  • AchillesUltimate
    1 year ago

    I saw this quote earlier today and responded to it there, but I’ll also comment here.

    If the press is not free, it means the government owns it. This means that they’ll use it to manipulate narratives and take control. This is bad because the government is exclusively self-interested and evil. It will not hesitate to perform the worst acts imaginable to secure wealth and power.

    The best model for the press (at least, that I can think of) is a free market press. One where people freely and continuously choose which press they’d like to support and the more support a news company receives, the more people it can deliver news to.

    Yes, there’s a risk that the press is bought and bribed, but it’s a guarantee with a government controlled press (in that case, the government is the one to buy the press).

    Without government involvement, people can hear both sides of the story and the possibility for new, unbiased journalists exists.

    • General@lemmygrad.mlOP
      1 year ago

      What you are saying is not true. Under socialism, the government is made out of representatives democratically elected by workers who care about the interest of workers. Also, socialism is a system which main goal is to benefit people, so every person in power has that goal. Therefore, news will be more transparent because their point is to show the truth to people instead of just being manipulated information paid off by the wealthy which is the case right now. What you called “both sides” is the same side paying off the two political parties that it owns to write slightly different content.

      A dictatorship of the proletariat would be interested in news that help the people and not that help the bourgeoisie.

      Who “buys and bribes” the press under the government? The government, of course, but in the name of what? A certain class. Under the bourgeoisie, the press serves the bourgeois state regardless of direct ownership, this is what Lenin is attempting to demonstrate. How do you refute this? You don’t, just as Lenin said you cannot. Instead you say that having direct government ownership is worse. Why? Because “government is evil and market relations are good as a rule”. How is this demonstrated? By you asserting it?

      • ShiningWing@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        Probably not worth bothering with this one, they seem like an ancap lol

        Like, they literally post in a “capitalist questions and discussions” community to make posts praising free market capitalism and complaining about the evils of government intervention (any government intervention)

        • General@lemmygrad.mlOP
          1 year ago

          I want to specialize in converting libs though since we are short on people for the revolution 😅

          • AchillesUltimate
            1 year ago

            I’m interested in what your arguments are and I like the debate. In another comment, I got directed to a couple of articles that were pretty interesting. I disagreed with nearly everything they said and I thought that their reasoning was bad, but I learned a lot reading them and I’m glad I read them.

            I didn’t know what your guys’ opinions on this were, and now I have a better idea, that’s pretty neat.

      • Godric@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        ‘Let the people elected to power decide what the masses get to see, they’re not self interested’


      • AchillesUltimate
        1 year ago

        It’s a little more complicated to argue that the free market is good for the consumer (though it can be done), but it’s pretty easy to argue that government is self-interested and power-hungry.

        Firstly, history. Nearly every government ever has been populated with people concerned with their own power. Even since the popularization of democracy, governments were still incredibly corrupt and did not operate out of a love for the people. All democracy really does to alleviate a government’s self-interest is make charisma more important during election cycles, which doesn’t do anything to shift the government’s interests.

        The people in the government are the same type of people as CEOs and people who run multi-billion companies. Whether they’re put in power by military force, by elections, or by people willingly giving them money for a good or service in return, they are all people who are 100% acting in their own self-interest collecting as much wealth and power as possible. The only thing that elections do is make it so that sometimes, some government officials have to appear to be good (or appear not as bad as their opponent).

        That’s way easier if the press is under the government’s control though. Now, the government could imprison anyone who doesn’t talk about how nice the president is to puppies for at least an hour. Or, less drastically, they could revoke your press license if you say that the things the president is saying is wrong (and then fine or imprison you if you deliver news without a license).

        In a free press though, even if all the major news sources are owned by the same people (which is a good point and probably to some extent true, though I don’t know to what extent), there’s nothing stopping new people from popping up and delivering what they believe to be honest, unbiased news. That won’t be the only type of person who pops up, and it’ll be exploited a lot, but the possibility of a good news source exists now.

        • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          You wrote five whole paragraphs and nowhere have you even once mentioned class or the class character of the governments you are talking about. You talk of governments in the abstract and as if they are all essentially the same. You seem to think that the state is a neutral entity that is above class and that states just represent themselves. But in reality states and their governments always represent the interests of one or another class. In a capitalist society with a bourgeois state there is no need for the state to own the media directly since both the state and the media work on behalf of the interests of capital. The opposite is the case in socialist societies where the state embodies the dictatorship of the proletariat.

          This is basic Marxist theory and since you are on a Marxist-Leninist instance i would encourage you to use the resources available here, the literature links and the various educational posts and comments that others have made to learn at least the basics. This will clear up a lot of the confusion and the idealist/liberal misconceptions you have on this subject.

          • AchillesUltimate
            1 year ago

            Governments are a separate organization of people with its own goals and motives. Sometimes those goals align with those of companies (either particular ones or just large companies in general), sometimes they align with the people, and sometimes they align with those of ducks.

            If you assume that every organization must necessarily be part of either the bourgeoisie or proletariat, and you assume that organizations in those classes all share all their interests, then a governments interests necessarily align with those of a class, but this isn’t very enlightening. It’s much more useful to view the government as a self-interested organization whose goals may or may not align with any particular group or individual.

            If government interests don’t inherently perfectly align with those of a particular class, you’ve got to be pretty careful when giving them power. There is no such thing as a dictatorship of the proletariat (at least, not a stable one) because as soon as you have a dictatorship, the government no longer needs the proletariat. If there is any alignment of interests left at all it is only by coincidence.

            Even if you had an extensive democratic system, all that does is incentivise some government officials to sometimes appear like they share interests with some of the people. It doesn’t actually change governments interests.

            • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
              1 year ago

              It’s much more useful to view the government as a self-interested organization whose goals may or may not align with any particular group or individual.

              It may be useful to certain interests for us to view government that way, but it does not correspond to reality. This theory of government as a purely self-interested organization is insufficient and inadequate in explaining the behavior which we observe real states engage in.

              Again i can only recommend that you do some reading on this subject first. Marx and Engels explained the nature of the state:

              "By the mere fact that it is a class and no longer an estate, the bourgeoisie is forced to organise itself no longer locally, but nationally, and to give a general form to its mean average interest. Through the emancipation of private property from the community, the State has become a separate entity, beside and outside civil society; but it is nothing more than the form of organisation which the bourgeois necessarily adopt both for internal and external purposes, for the mutual guarantee of their property and interests. […]

              It is therefore obvious that as soon as the bourgeoisie has accumulated money, the state has to beg from the bourgeoisie and in the end it is actually bought up by the latter. This takes place in a period in which the bourgeoisie is still confronted by another class, and consequently the state can retain some appearance of independence in relation to both of them. Even after the state has been bought up, it still needs money and, therefore, continues to be dependent on the bourgeoisie;" -The German Ideology

              “the executive of the modern state is but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie” -The Communist Manifesto

              “The state is, therefore, by no means a power forced on society from without; just as little is it ’the reality of the ethical idea’, ’the image and reality of reason’, as Hegel maintains. Rather, it is a product of society at a certain stage of development; it is the admission that this society has become entangled in an insoluble contradiction with itself, that it has split into irreconcilable antagonisms which it is powerless to dispel. But in order that these antagonisms, these classes with conflicting economic interests, might not consume themselves and society in fruitless struggle, it became necessary to have a power, seemingly standing above society, that would alleviate the conflict and keep it within the bounds of ’order’; and this power, arisen out of society but placing itself above it, and alienating itself more and more from it, is the state.” -The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State

              Lenin sums it up like this:

              “According to Marx, the state is an organ of class rule, an organ for the oppression of one class by another; it is the creation of “order,” which legalizes and perpetuates this oppression by moderating the conflict between classes”

              Lenin elaborates further on this in The State and Revolution

              And here is a more modern discussion of the Marxist understanding of the state using the US as a case study to illustrate the general points.

              • AchillesUltimate
                1 year ago

                I’ve read everything in both those links and either I didn’t understand it or it was plainly contradictory and bad.

                First, I never saw any reason that the group of people who make up the new government would serve the people. Not once was there a reason that a dictatorship for the proletariat would actually be for the proletariat. In fact, it seems like the exclusive role of the government is to oppress somebody, and the proletariat’s a really easy target. Even if you and all your friends pick up arms, overthrow the government, and try to set up a state that acts in the interest of the people, your new government is going to be made up of people who act in their own self-interest, and the interests of the government as a whole will reflect that.

                The idea of the state withering away, as I understand it, is based on the idea that the state is an instrument of oppression by one class against another, and when a classless society emerges, the state will lose its purpose and role and then slowly vanish. BUT the very fact that there is an oppressive state (that’s busy oppressing the remnants of capitalism) means that there’s a class divide (rulers and ruled, oppressed and oppressed, that whole shebang). Thanks to the immeasurability of when the capitalists have been defeated (Lenin stated that he couldn’t know by what practical measures the defeat of capitalism will be known) the oppressive state is going to stick around indefinitely, oppressing more and more people.

                In simpler terms, there’s some dictator in charge of the dictatorship of the proletariat (or at least, there are high ranking members in it). During the extinguishing of capitalism, this dictator will have lots of power and authority granted to him by the people. He won’t want to lose it. This man will do everything in his power to maintain total domination for himself forever. He will create imaginary threats, oppress people, frighten them, manipulate narratives, concentrate more power, punish insurrection, whatever it takes. If he doesn’t, someone who will will take his place. This is human nature, the human nature you see in the bourgeois.

                Secondly, the idea that the state is created by one of the two classes to oppress the other is either not true or a self-fulfilling prophecy. Was Genghis Khan a false mediator? The state exists because people in pre-history had really big armies and wanted to control people to obtain wealth and power for themselves. It turned out that people being alive and prosperous was really helpful for that, so states started supporting that, so people often submitted. This isn’t the bourgeois creating a state to adjudicate disputes between them and the proletariat in the former’s favor, it’s just militaristic (or perhaps political or social) conquest.

                I had lots of other problems with both the articles you linked, especially the article from Liberation School, but I don’t really want to write a full paper on the errors of communism.

                Instead, let’s bring it back to the idea of freedom of the press. If the state is a purely oppressive tool used by one class to oppress another, a state-controlled press is bad. It doesn’t matter who you’re oppressing, or who you’re claiming or actually doing it in the name of, it’s bad because the result is truth is thrown out in favor of manipulation.

                In a post-class society (I don’t think that this is possible, but that doesn’t matter right now) you actually would have a free press, because there’s no government or state restricting it, and this would be great. However, something like this wouldn’t come about through state oppression and control of the media. In fact, this dictatorship for the proletariat having power over the news ensures that there’ll always be stories about the new, evil things capitalists are doing that your loving dictator needs more money and authority to squash.

                • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
                  1 year ago

                  So…your whole argument boils down to “human nature”. Wow, very original, i’m sure none of us has ever heard that before.

      • AchillesUltimate
        1 year ago

        uh, why? It seems like a free market economy is exactly where a free market press would work. Companies might buy news companies, but thanks to no government interaction, other news companies can pop up, make money because they deliver a service people want, and then grow.

          • AchillesUltimate
            1 year ago

            They might not like it but it’s what happens anyway. I don’t have many examples off the top of my head, but I do know of at least one YouTuber who gives updates on geopolitics.

            • sicaniv@lemmygrad.ml
              1 year ago

              They might not like it but it’s what happens anyway.

              But, what actually happens in reality is, this…

              Six corporations own 90% of news media in the United States. They’re NBCUniversal (COMCAST), Disney, Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), VIACOM, News Corporation, and AT&T. All of these companies have rich executives who’ve been known to fund not just individual politicians, but both heads of the American party (I.E. both the Republican and the Democratic parties). Our government is owned by corporations, and those corporations also own our information.

              • AchillesUltimate
                1 year ago

                Sure, 6 companies own 90% of news media, but that doesn’t mean new ones can’t pop up in the other 10% and make a good profit.

                Even a journalist who just researches a recent event and posts their articles on reddit would be pretty cool but couldn’t exist without freedom of the press.

        • Muad'Dibber@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          Why would any top company allow others to challenge their market share? Why does the trend under capitalism (where economic power stands above political power, and governments) tend towards increasing monopolization / fewer companies, in every industry?

    • SovereignState@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      This is bad because the government is exclusively self-interested and evil.

      I love me some tautological nothings!

    • Star Wars Enjoyer @lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      ban hammer

      but it is worth mentioning that both the USSR back in the day, and China now ha[d][ve] state-owned press, and they also allow[ed] anyone to publish their own press. The USSR was also known to allow its state-owned journalists to publish critiques of the government, and present information in ways that didn’t always suit the state. Socialist press was and is far more free than “free” market press.

      All of the major news organizations in the West get large portions of their funding from their governments. Some of them also get their funding from the funders of politicians. The vast majority of “independent” journalists will quote those organizations in their publications, meaning “independent” journalism in the West is nothing more than an extension of mainstream media. The only ones who break from this norm are publications that attempt to oppose MSM’s reporting.

      Six corporations own 90% of news media in the United States. They’re NBCUniversal (COMCAST), Disney, Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), VIACOM, News Corporation, and AT&T. All of these companies have rich executives who’ve been known to fund not just individual politicians, but both heads of the American party (I.E. both the Republican and the Democratic parties). Our government is owned by corporations, and those corporations also own our information.

      Meanwhile, if you were to go to China and rummage through their news media, you’d see that their media is much more honest about where it comes from, and it’s far easier to find the true truth. Sure, sometimes the state-owned media won’t publish the full truth, but there are always a few actually independent journalists who’re covering the same story, who will publish other views of the situation. That’s heaps better than what we have here.

      • AchillesUltimate
        1 year ago

        I’m actually mostly okay with state owned news stations. I think it’s a waste of my taxes (by far my biggest objection) and I won’t trust anything it says, but it can exist if it wants to. I also don’t have a problem with the news companies backing certain political parties or individuals, I just won’t believe what they say.

        What I’ve really got a problem with is when the government says what the press as a whole can’t say or has to say. That’s what freedom of the press is supposed to prevent.

        If you’ve got freedom of the press, even if the major news networks are corrupt, other players can come in and report what they think the truth is. The big companies don’t like new competitors like this, but that pattern of new companies spawning is what we see (there’s a youtuber I know who reports on geopolitics, and Joe Rogan’s podcast is very big and popular (though admittedly, that’s not an immediate source of breaking news)).

        I don’t know that I believe that China has a free press. People there are afraid to speak against their government, but the press is free to do it?

    • ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      Don’t you love slums, homelessness, people not being able to afford education or medical bills, low minimum wages that are supposed to be made livable by customers tipping, genocidal war crimes on the 3rd world and tax cuts for the rich? I hope you do, because that’s what capitalism has historically delivered on and it will continue to fulfill its promises. Except for the promise that you may become rich one day. More than 90% of people will die in the class they were born into or fall down into a lower class. Why simp for Capitalism when Elon Musk and Donald Trump and Jeff Bezos are the only ones doing better? Is your life personally better because the top oil companies have made it their mission to destroy our planet forever? Is Exxon going to give you any of the money they earn by putting Pipelines in indigenous lands? Will Amazon give you a few bucks here and there because their tax cuts mean they have more disposable income? No, these companies will continue to exploit innocent people with pollute the world with no care as to how it may affect you or your family. Seriously, if you think Capitalism is the high watermark for how successful a society can be, you need to dream bigger, because this is shit. Inflation and taxes are through the roof in the US and I imagine Europe isn’t exactly paradise either.

    • ShiningWing@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      “Bad faith” coming from the person who comes to our community to insult us despite knowing nothing about our positions 😂