My wife is 50 and she was almost forced to be right handed in late '70s/ early '80s. She is still left-handed, but she is almost ambidextrous. Maybe forcing people to do things with their weak hand isn’t a bad thing, but obviously we shouldn’t mandate they can only use their right hand. What if we had a society full of ambidextrous people? What if we force people to learn how to write with both hands?
She might be cross-dominant. This apparently confused/annoyed my teachers growing up. I only write with my left hand and do almost everything else with my right side.
I’m right handed but left legged. I did long jump and jumped about 4 feet farther using my left leg. Does that count? I know it’s different but I find this kind of stuff interesting.
My wife is 50 and she was almost forced to be right handed in late '70s/ early '80s. She is still left-handed, but she is almost ambidextrous. Maybe forcing people to do things with their weak hand isn’t a bad thing, but obviously we shouldn’t mandate they can only use their right hand. What if we had a society full of ambidextrous people? What if we force people to learn how to write with both hands?
She might be cross-dominant. This apparently confused/annoyed my teachers growing up. I only write with my left hand and do almost everything else with my right side.
I’m right handed but left legged. I did long jump and jumped about 4 feet farther using my left leg. Does that count? I know it’s different but I find this kind of stuff interesting.
Yep that’s an example of it.
I can’t get past this horseshit statement.