• MystikIncarnate@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    Well, down vote me if you want, but, IMO, human milk should be an industry. I can imagine women having the ability to stay at home with their infant or young child and pump milk, and be paid for it.

    At present, just about nothing humans produce naturally is something that a company will buy. Most countries don’t allow paying for bodily fluids, including but not limited to, blood, plasma, semen (for IVF, etc). Nor do they allow for payment for human organs.

    What’s left? Hair? I know nobody wants your toenail clippings. Certainly nobody is going to pay you for what comes out your backside.

    It’s just one of those markets that is completely untouched IMO.

    And yes the USA will let people buy organs/blood/plasma, etc, but it’s fairly uncommon in the rest of the world.

    In any case, I don’t think any country has any laws forbidding it, but nobody has done it, to my knowledge.

    It’s just interesting to me.