Hexbear started during the 2020 BLM protests, where cops were using social media and internet presence to track down activists. They are still doing this, but with less vigor than when police stations were burning down.

This included things like using tattoos on naked bodies, etsy store receipts etc.

Just before the r/cth ban, there was also a problem with chasers and leering objectification, and steps were taken to reduce thirst-posting and the like.

These things combined means that people don’t post selfies or direct identifying information. People post their pets and artwork, but I know I have to make a decision about where and when I post things to make things non-trivial for cops or random chuds. I feel like a unique pet name, breed, and rough region could be enough to track someone down.

Even so, I think I’m bad at it. I feel like if someone knew me and read everything on hexbear they could ID me pretty easily (and I know multiple people in person on hexbear, but we’ve never exchanged usernames).

Idk if there are any hard and fast rules beyond the selfies and direct ID though. I should burn this account.

Edit: removed reference to masculinity

  • JustSo [she/her, any]@hexbear.net
    3 months ago

    This one hunna. I wish I could show you guys my pet and tell you all about him etc, he’s the best thing in the world and there are so many cool facts to share about him and his type of what he is. I’m very proud of him. But alas, it is not to be.

    Someone prolific and popular here posted about a cringe food item they saw IRL and I immediately knew which country they’re from. Its hard to avoid not leaking your own info if you want to be a normal sociable and fun person on here.

    I try to obfuscate by switching up my language here and there in certain ways but its not enough. my identity could be triangulated by matching metadata to posts linking out to eg youtube on the odd occasion i post a series of songs to the music comm in a given day. Fortunately other than framing Luigi for that time i shot the ceo I never really have to worry about threat vectors with the resources to ID me via that level of sophistication.

    Remember to assess your threat model realistically. Problem is any random chud could recognise my pet without needing to be NSA tier, so while I dont have to be so paranoid as to avoid posting a series of music videos I’m watching, i do have to worry about shit like pets and tattoos and photos of my garden or of irl of any kind. I’m not a threat to anyone with power but my real world area does have natsocs with enough time on their hands to go walking in numbers masked up for shows of force.

    I guess what I’m saying is be realistic, be reserved and dont get paralysed by the worst case scenario situations. Because we wouldn’t even be posting at all if we engaged in truly serious activities, or thought one day we might do something funny irl.

    Remember they caught dread pirate roberts off a fkn historic old question he asked on stack exchange probably made long before he had any idea his little coding project might potentially attract serious heat. Its probably too late for any of us to scrub accounts and get away with cool hijinx

    If you really mite do a hardcore direct action one day then yes, be paranoid af. Otherwise just make sure a nazi tourist on the site cant ID you because they happen to live nearby and see you on your daily walks with your ferret.