I got a ban from a group because there was a lot of horse posting. I basically commented that “hey there’s a lot of evidence that horse riding causes permanent injuries”, and “who here can actually afford this posh hobby”. The admins were rich as fuck. Somehow rich people tend to have more time to do this shit. Anyhow, they said that I was being personally insulting because “posh hobby”.


I was also kicked from a reddit-logo sub for reporting obvious Islamophobia. Fuck that place.

I got a two week ban from Facebook for anti-white racism. And I’m officially the whitest person on Hexbear.

Maybe I’m a lib or too damn civil, but I haven’t yet been kicked from a site yet deeper-sadness

  • roux [he/him, they/them]@hexbear.net
    1 month ago

    I got a temp ban on FB years ago for posting a crude drawing of a man with his head up his butt as a retort to an argument against my chud brother.

    I got a temp ban on Twitter around that same time because some famous talking face called Greta Thurnberg a Nazi because she had her hair braided. I mentioned something about how real fascists actually just dehumanize and demonize their “enemy” like this person was doing. Basically I got the ban for calling a person a Fascist who was calling an eco-socialist a fascist.

    I got banned briefly from /r/latestagecapitalism for saying DSA was a leftist org in a comment thread about what leftist parties there are in the States. I was simply listing a bunch I know across the spectrum of leftist schools of thought. The mod said I was banned because “we are a Marxist-Leninist subreddit and DSA is full of libs” or some shit, and like, I agree but a lot, and I mean A LOT of users on that sub are reformists and so is the DSA.

    Bonus: I got doxxed on a local Linux forum a long time ago because I said I was pretty evangelical about “the good word” of Linux. Idk what the mod there thought I said but next morning was a wall of text about everything he could find about me online and basically just tearing into me. I banned myself right after that and will not associate with any Linux users in any real capacity in my area ever again. I will make small talk about distros but that’s about it.