I got a ban from a group because there was a lot of horse posting. I basically commented that “hey there’s a lot of evidence that horse riding causes permanent injuries”, and “who here can actually afford this posh hobby”. The admins were rich as fuck. Somehow rich people tend to have more time to do this shit. Anyhow, they said that I was being personally insulting because “posh hobby”.
I was also kicked from a sub for reporting obvious Islamophobia. Fuck that place.
I got a two week ban from Facebook for anti-white racism. And I’m officially the whitest person on Hexbear.
Maybe I’m a lib or too damn civil, but I haven’t yet been kicked from a site yet
I said on twitter that we should legalise hunting hunters to regulate their population.
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A vegetarian doing carnist apologism?
“You veegoons need to relax about seal skinned boots. I’m a vegetarian”
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gluck gluck gluck slork slomp slork
sounds like he’s been vegan longer than you have
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7 years here. When do I get the title of ‘Most Holy’?
Depends on how long your force-feed your cat lentils.
I tell him I’ve been vegetarian longer than he’s been alive.
Aren’t you a little old to still be breastfeeding?
Harm reduction. For several species we have disrupted the ecosystem enough that populations do need to be managed. In those cases it is efficient to have someone who wants to act as it’s predator act as it’s predator.
Hunting is just one of those distraction issues. No one in the developed world is gonna replace a significant amount of their calories by hunting, because it’s far too expensive and difficult. Not to mention that there just isn’t enough huntable food to replace even a faction of 1% of the world’s meat consumption.
Every hunter guy I know talks a good story about how he (and it’s always a he) filled up his freezer this one time with deer meat. But 99% of his meat is store bought, and he doesn’t give a fuck that the hamburger he’s now eating came from a slaughterhouse.
There’s no ethical guy* that eats all his meat from hunting.
*Obviously I’m excluding indigenous people and people from the Global South.
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they’re eating processed fossil fuel impossible burger garbage.
You’re eating processed fossil fuel dairy treats.
This thread is a good example of why I can’t take vegetarians seriously, my person is really out here being a pick me for carnists and bashing vegans 🙄
Absolutely avoids my arguments that NO ONE* gets all their meat or even most of their meat from hunting. Ignores my arguments that it will never come close to feeding humanity. Ignores my argument that hunters don’t give a fuck about eating slaughterhouse meat.
Fucking leave hunting to the wolves, which btw are also being killed by animal agriculture.
*excluding indigenous people and some from the Global South
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Every time an emoji loads for me there is like a 3 second delay, so I was just looking in suspense to see which ppb variety was posted
As somebody who grew up in the middle of nowhere and still lives there, there is nothing about living in the woods that makes the ethics any different. If it’s about saving money then do as my friends and family have always done and use all that rural land to grow fresh vegetables. We have a whole lot more dirt to do it on, and it’s much cheaper than buying all that hunting gear. Rural people can love animals and not make excuses for their murder, and the same arguments are convincing whether you live in a high rise or a trailer. This cItY SliCkErS just don’t get it! bit is too cringe
In my country, people are regularly shot and killed by hunters. And not just people walking in the woods, kids get shot while playing in their own backyard sometimes. And for some reason they seem to have some kind of immunity because they never land in prison, worse they get is having their license removed.
If we can’t do without hunting, then it should be done by professionals working for the state, not by randoms with a gun that applied for a license.
cw: transphobia
The only platform I’ve ever been banned on is Amazon, unless IRC channels from a million years ago count. I’m not banned from buying stuff but I am banned from leaving reviews.
Basically there’s a ton of merchandise on Amazon that is explicitly transphobic. Bumper stickers or shirts saying something transphobic I won’t repeat, or books about how being trans is an illness. Heinous horrible things like that. Well over about a week I just snapped and reported a bunch of sellers, left negative reviews, tried contacting the sellers to unlist their garbage transphobic items.
At first the Amazon reps were cordial, since I would reference a clause they used to have about how items couldn’t promote hate speech, violence, etc. After the fifth time or so they stopped immediately responding, then I wasn’t able to make reviews anymore with the official reasons being spam and that I kept reviewing things I wasn’t buying.
Yeah except I know what’s actually going on. Amazon is perfectly willing to sell hate speech
Maybe don’t shop from Amazon???
Two unfortunate truths make this idea less useful, sadly
Voting with your wallet does absolutely nothing
amazon is a necessary service for many
Funny, I haven’t bought anything from Amazon in years. Tired of excuses.
It’s ineffective as a strategy for change. You still use the internet and I’m 100% sure that a lot of the services you use (many unwittingly, such as CDNs) are hosted in AWS. Amazon is simply too big to fail, and even if thousands of people consistently stopped shopping from Amazon, the state would step in and subsidize them/bail them out to offset the boycott because Amazon has become an essential part of commerce in the Western world.
Didn’t say it’s gonna create change, but bezos has plenty of money already from elsewhere he doesn’t need mine. Every dollar you spend at Amazon could be spent at a small business.
I suppose that’s something you could do but I don’t see why? Unless you shop exclusively at like, worker-owned businesses and communes, you’re still doing more or less the same. I’d argue that if you can save money by buying fewer things and buying only the things you really need via the cheapest channels, then use the rest of your money wisely (knowing how to strike a balance between saving/investing to prepare for the future and charity/bail funds/other mutual aid) is more significant than the usual liberal approach to ethical consumption of believing that your local small business tyrants are somehow less exploitative or less capitalistic than the tech giants.
The small business tyrants keep that $ circulating in the local economy, which is more valuable than me saving 10 cents.
small business
lol. lmao
Have they collapsed yet?
Are you trolling me here or do you actually suppose your circumstances apply to everyone else? If we’re talking excuses there’s none for that brainfart
I don’t think she was shopping there. I think she was just taking them at their word that they’d give a fuck about bigotry.
I mean I admit I’ve bought stuff from Amazon before. I’m not proud. I got banned from reviews like 5 years ago and since then have occasionally bought books, but that’s the only use of it I get anymore, when I want a book I can’t seem to find anywhere else.
Yeah that was the main thing I was trying to communicate though. Amazon does not care about selling explicitly bigoted merchandise, even though their representatives have told me directly they’d handle it, or they agreed with me that the items should be removed. What they do care about is someone (like me) bringing attention to the problem in a way that could hurt sales or drive away merchants who want to sell a T-shirt with slurs on it.
It’s unsurprising but still heartbreaking. Twenty years ago ButtBidet believed that people gave a shit about bigotry, and the realisation has been difficult.
I don’t want to tell the name of the website as it would doxx me hard, but there’s an online shopping website I use occasionally, and the website makes it virtually guaranteed that seller can remove a negative review any time they want. I did find it VERY frustrating that 1) I got ripped off, and 2) I can’t even tell the world how shoddy the quality is. Anyhow, the point is that I understand your grief.
Consider epubs maybe? It’s the best way I’ve been able to get away from Amazon.
edit: Not shaming you for using Amazong
Yeah I try not to. I used to use it a lot, but only use it now as a last resort when buying books.
Got preemptively banned from /r/communism101 without ever posting there because I posted in a Bernie sub back in 2020 exactly 1 time
Sounds like a confession!
You know where to go
We got em comrades!
Was it WayOfTheBern? I think there may have been some sus activity in that sub at some point.
I caught a ban from r/communism for making a single comment and someone trawling through my profile and seeing I had posted this in the pewdiepie sub
That sub sucked so bad
I am.pretty sure they got me for post on the joe Rogan sub reddit. It was related to the Bernie episode and I was full of optimism
I got banned from r/FULLCOMMUNISM years ago by a power tripping mod because I joked that I was a gamer.
Well deserved tbh
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I’m been getting really down lately seeing actual left groups reposting US State Department articles about China. I’m absolutely fine with hearing a left critique of China, but come on, no leftist should be repeating anything that says “according to Voice of America”.
I don’t use social media
Banned from r/ADHD for asking one of the mods if they’re a landlord when they told me off for quoting Mao (without attribution, mind you)
Banned from r/antiwork for “tankies = bad” after pointing out that UBI in the global north just shifts the extra work to the global south rather than eliminating work
I staged a hostile takeover of the Geometry Dash forums when I was 11 that lasted for about half a week until I was usurped by the (until-then-inactive) senior admin
I got a temp ban on FB years ago for posting a crude drawing of a man with his head up his butt as a retort to an argument against my chud brother.
I got a temp ban on Twitter around that same time because some famous talking face called Greta Thurnberg a Nazi because she had her hair braided. I mentioned something about how real fascists actually just dehumanize and demonize their “enemy” like this person was doing. Basically I got the ban for calling a person a Fascist who was calling an eco-socialist a fascist.
I got banned briefly from /r/latestagecapitalism for saying DSA was a leftist org in a comment thread about what leftist parties there are in the States. I was simply listing a bunch I know across the spectrum of leftist schools of thought. The mod said I was banned because “we are a Marxist-Leninist subreddit and DSA is full of libs” or some shit, and like, I agree but a lot, and I mean A LOT of users on that sub are reformists and so is the DSA.
Bonus: I got doxxed on a local Linux forum a long time ago because I said I was pretty evangelical about “the good word” of Linux. Idk what the mod there thought I said but next morning was a wall of text about everything he could find about me online and basically just tearing into me. I banned myself right after that and will not associate with any Linux users in any real capacity in my area ever again. I will make small talk about distros but that’s about it.
Glad the LSC mods continue to be hardline MLs
during the George Floyd protests, once a day I would link to some new clip of cops brutalizing unarmed/vulnerable people. there were so many to choose from and I figured 1 new one each day would have a higher impact than flooding the feed.
after a few weeks, FB administratively “check pointed” my account. my account was a goofy fake name and none of my shit was real. they wanted me to submit my real name and a picture of my driver license and address.
I responded that they could fuck themselves in the mouth with a dog turd, and that was the end of that.
my first/only :stormfront: ban was for cooler reasons, but even articulating a few broad strokes would open me up to retaliation of some kind, I’m sure. I am more careful these days, so just imagine something cool that would make you smile and that’s what it was.
I’ve been temp banned from various forums over the years, mostly for “inappropriate language.”
Like it’s okay to spout off racist conspiracy theories about immigrants in Europe. But when I say “Jesus fuck me in the titty fucking shitter Christ” that was too far apparently.
I got banned from Facebook, Instagram, and Reddit all for being anti fascist.
i expect to get banned from c/badposting because my posts are somehow too bad
Your posts are too damn good. This is your last warning.
My first reddit ban was for reporting racist content (sorry, “abusing the report function”), and my second, more permanent one for asking if Israel meant they were going to kill millions of civilians and then leave without solving anything when they said they were going to “do to Hamas what the US did to ISIS”. Apparently criticising the US is antisemitic.
I got banned from r/piracy for saying it was impossible to be racist against white people.
Banned from r/196 for expressing doubt over Uyghur’s being organ harvested.
Got 2 or 3 temp bans from Reddit for saying that when the revolution comes anyone with a K-On pfp gets the wall.
But I’m 99% that was because there was a
cultist stalking my account because I would comment in any thread involving him that he had threatened to SA a woman who he once told looked like a loli.