i’m waiting
is objectively correct and fully justified in all of his rhetoric and actions, but the lib writers of FF7 nevertheless felt the need to explain his anger as being some kind of personal revenge quest and make his character arc about realizing that doing violence against Shinra was bad.
My bigger criticism is that at no point is it ever explained why everyone at Corel blames Barrett for their town getting blown up by Shinra. Every last one of them was in that room pressuring Dyne (the last holdout) to agree to the Mako plant to save their dying coal town. He was nowhere near the plant when some people blew it up. But when you show up everyone just spits on him and he just takes it because…???
I always assumed that Barrett convinced everyone else to go for it or lead the charge in some way which was why he caught most of the blame, but yeah I guess they don’t really say that explicitly do they. Also I’m pretty sure the Corel reactor exploding was a random industrial accident that got blamed on the town by Shinra (unless that got retconned at some point).
civ is a liberal great man theory alternate history sim in the worst possible way
Me, chasing “barbarians” (who are more technologically advanced than me) to the ends of the earth for the 100th time: “Wait a minute…this is ideology!”
Fallout: New Vegas should have been more optimized at launch
play vanilla: ooh this is a bit rough around the edges, but i’m getting somewh… aaand it crashed
mod it: well i did 10 hours of research, downloaded mods overnight and tried to correct my load order… aaand it crashed and corrupted my save files
Now to find out which mod did it… Ok removing that mod corrupted all the other mods aaaand it crashed
i’m pretty sure on one of my attempts to play through (honestly happens every 3 years or so) that I started to play with ENBs along with other well recommended mods and I literally managed to just corrupt the entirety of the game files lmao. pretty sure i was bluescreening too.
Depends on the mods, most mods pre-2015 were horribly made but through a much more active playerbase have enough endorsements from back then to show up as “top mods,” like Project Nevada. ENB is also buggy and pretty broken for New Vegas, it was never finished as well.
Try using Viva New Vegas, it even has a Wabbajack installer if you want an automated process and are willing to toss Nexus a few bucks to not have to keep clicking, or don’t and just follow it like normal.
It’s funny I think I’ve been blessed by the mod gods because I just go wild with installing a bunch and it’s never done anything to the performance of the game.
Bennys tiny face looks like a potato
That’s a critique but at the same time I kind of love how uncanny that era of Fallout/Elder Scrolls games looked.
Yeah, my most controversial Fallout opinion is that they should try to make the graphics look like those pulp book covers they had for the instruction manual and loading screens for the first two games
I want Fallout to look weird, but in a Frazetta kind of way
As a certified NV head, there’s a lot Fallout 3 did better, like the economy, repair limitations, atmospheric audio cues Obsidian never really implemented, NPC conversations, and more. New Vegas is much better, but it could have been way better.
The Elytra in Minecraft ruined multiplayer survival servers. It is too easy to just fly around with rockets, so much so that there is no longer any incentive to do the fun thing about survival Minecraft: creating infrastructure! Why build roads, lay minecart tracks, use boats, or tame horses if you can just fly where ever you want with your magical firework rocket fuel source? It’s an end game item sure, but that means jackshit in multiplayer survival where inevitably someone has a gazillion of them to hand out.
I’d prefer if they just made it glide only. Then it’s something you need to build infrastructure to use: high towers to leap from!
Also Phantoms fucking suck, they are so dumb. Why does a group of hostile mobs randomly spawn literally on top of me every 3 in game days just to force me to click on a bed? Wtf. Yeah I know you can turn them off, but once again, you can’t do that in multiplayer!
Minecraft peaked sometime in beta tbh
The feeling of coming home on a Friday not knowing what new shit had been added… It rocked
I can only actually play Outer Wilds once, replaying it isn’t even close to the same magical first experience.
This is why I got my partner playing while I sit with him and narrate.
Outer Wilds is too stressful I cannot handle games with timers
Yeah I feel the same way. Doesn’t help that I am anxious and on edge basically all the time.
Warcraft 3’s legacy is World of Warcraft instead of Warcraft 4
:yea: people like to point at later things as the death of the RTS, but the move from warcraft to WoW was what did it tbh. Everything after was just heart flutters. It would never again be as big in the general gaming conscience. (Yes I know SC2 was big, but it was different, it was all about eSports and money and streaming.)
Balatro is very fun but the replayablitiy of it hits a limit after 25 hours. The general strategy becomes less interesting once you have a deeper understanding of the game, and it leads into higher stake battles being dependant less on skill and more on just luck of the jokers you get. Winning or getting high scores loses its enjoyment quickly, especially if you try to farm gold stakes
haha Flush go brrrr
it really do be like that
Pair/High card gang go plink plonk plonk plonkplonkplonkplknplnkpkpk
Yeah this is where I’m at too. I’ve had scores go into scientific notation a few times now and now I tend to reset a lot early on if I don’t get anything that’ll help me reach that again. Which isn’t as fun.
Think I’ve logged nearly 1000 hours are Terraria between vanilla and modded. While I enjoy the game, grinding for materials is tedious and boring. The fun part of the game is trying new strategies to beat bosses, and its less enjoyable when you have to go mining for a stronger material for the 8th time the game. Most nodded content has these same issues, and falls into being more difficulty focused for experienced and high reaction time players, and less on making an enjoyable experience. The content on nodded seems to be less designed around ensuring you enjoy your time and more on making a boss fight for a yputuber to do hitless 8.5/10
i have played balatro for at least 300 hours. it’s pretty good imo but ymmv
Yeah it does get repetitive pretty quick
25 hours
oh. I’m a video game addict.
KSP has a lot of really bad physics bugs, collectively called the kraken. My most hated one is that surface bases, as they grow or even just continue to exist, will gradually and inevitably floating point error themselves into the ground and then explode.
Man, I am such a shit engineer I never even managed to make a return trip from the moon. You’re kind of making me want to try again. Haven’t played KSP in years.
I hear 2 is bad which makes me sad.
2 is totally dead, it had a nightmare dev cycle and released unfinished then Take Two shuttered the studio
Oh that sucks
There might emerge a spiritual successor in Kitten Space Agency, from the devs of Stationeers, but it’s nowhere near ready to even launch an alpha.
I am lowkey doing the same thing in Godot lmao
Hexbear oldhead founding a FOSS new KSP project would redeem vast swathes of this timeline for me, personally.
Hell yeah
If it involves cats say no more I’m there
Mun/Minmus round trip is the best I can do personally. When it comes to other planets, I just adopt the Soviet approach and do everything with one-way robots. Absolutely wild the kind of things I’ve seen others accomplish in that game.
FWIW I think most people use mods to do the flying for them which makes the game much easier. Manually landing every spacecraft/aligning orbits is very tedious.
You gotta do at least one manual moon landing just for the experience
Oh for sure, I got to Minmus manually but I think if I had gone to Duna without mechjeb I would have had a stroke.
I like Kerbal Engineer Redux for giving the numbers Mechjeb would without the autopiloting. I also found Transfer Window Planner to be helpful for planning interplanetary transfer burns
The feeling of achievement from a successful moon round trip is one of the greatest in all of gaming. One neat thing about KSP is that replicating historical spacecraft is a very effective way to design spacecraft. Kerbal Engineer Redux is a great way to get numbers for your craft without flying it for you.
Pokemon should of been taken out back old yeller style, revived like that ben garrison marx comic, and then given to somebody crazy like kojima or swery. Pokemon games are fun in theory, they just need somebody who doesn’t know fucking anything about pokemon to make these game
I want Norman Reedus playing patty cake with a quagsire and pissing on himself when he gets stung by tentacools and getting to battle all of kojimas celebrity friends.
Y’all got infinite money, do something with it!!!
they should have given pokemon to david lynch, including game direction, just to see what he’d do with it. woulda been a good bit, if nothing else
Pokemon is a baby game for babies. It is and always has been designed to be played primarily by small children. I say this not to disparage it but because I so frequently see people wanting it to be designed for adult skill levels and sensibilities. That’s simply not what it’s for.
I agree that that’s what the main games are for, but I also think that there’s more than enough room in Pokemon’s franchise for side games that cater to older fans with more complex battle and sim mechanics. Pokemon Colosseum 1 & 2 feel like they could have been the starting point to a whole secondary line of JRPGs in the Pokemon world with unique stories and mechanics, but they never followed up on them and now those games are just a weird outlier in the franchise’s history.
Babies deserve kino too
My answer to that is branch out, play Digimon, SMT, Persona, hell even Palworld
Fallout 4 is a terrible disappointment of a game. The writing is downright awful, especially following New Vegas. The factions are nonsensical, most of the companions are not interesting and the world building is so lazy (the institute just so happened to simultaneously invent FEV on the other side of the country from the Master). The combat is clunky at best. The base building is far to limited and inconsequential. Why can’t I stop playing this game.
Been playing a bit of Fallout: London, it’s pretty good. Have run into a few of The Gentry so far - first one immediately asked me to murder a union organiser and then his head mysteriously exploded (but I reloaded to make sure I could betray him to join the union guy, you can).
Oh damn that actually sounds good, I’ve heard good things about Fallout London so I’ll have to check it out
The bossfight at the end of Sonic 2 is a bullshit difficulty curve, you should be able to get at least one ring
Fr without save states that boss is BS
I think every other boss in the game has some rings before it? Genuinely puzzling decision to exclude them, especially considering that it would still be quite challenging with rings.
I mean, if I was a final boss and I knew my rival was going to enter my lair and kick my ass, I wouldn’t want them to be able to survive any extra hits.
At least 3 had the Sonic’s invincibility flash.
Absolute bane of my childhood and I will never forgive Sonic Team for that nonsense. Should’ve at least dropped a 3 pack of rings before Metal Sonic.
you can only play outer wilds once
New Vegas could be even more trans. Also, i’ve never liked the look of the games done with that Bethesda engine.
Dark souls 1’s second half low-key sucks ass.
Duke’s Archives and Londo Ruins are good, but everything in Izalith or the Giants’ Tomb sucks a lot of ass. So you are correct on average.
The slug tree gets a lot of hate as a boss, but I think the Centipede Demon gets underrepresented. Killed as soon as you pass through the fog door because you drop to 0.5 frames per second, followed by a long run back again? Ass.
I kinda like Tomb of the Giants more than Duke’s Archives. Duke’s Archives feels very repetitive and grind-y. Lost Izalith really sucks ass hard. The fact that the opening to this area is a lazy reskin of the Asylum Demon tells you everything you need to know about the painfully boring lava portion of Dark Souls 1.
And the whole thing about the kiln of the first flame and Gwyn being massive letdowns leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Team Fortress 2 is a money printer and valve should have kept updating it regularly with new weapons. The bizarre turn to a ranked esports scene sucked and made it way harder to find community servers, the best part of the game.
Elden Ring’s community sucks ass. The best way to beat the game is however you want and it’s really not that hard unless you intentionally cripple yourself by not using half the tools the game gives you and screams at you to use.
Sekiro’s dragonrot mechanic is really confusing and seems like a tax on progressing quests if you die too much, which is already the most punishing part of the game since you lose skill point progression when you die as well as money and there’s no way to go pick it up like every other Souls game. However the combat is better than any Souls game has ever been and nothing is more satisfying than perfect deflects.
Deep Rock Galactic’s escort and drillevator missions are really repetitive and boring. The game is at its strongest when you’re exploring the caves and terraforming to give yourself better odds against swarms. Those two types trivialize and completely remove the value of all the classes movement tools so you’re left standing on the point gunning down bugs until the timer runs out. At least they had the sense to randomize core stone phases with season 5.
Heat Signature really good but some mission types are impossible without self-charging tools and those are so vanishingly rare from crates that you end up doing dozens of Soft Target missions to roll the dice on the overpriced mystery crates for good gear. And the really really high glory score missions are frequently impossible. Time limit warzone hijack, and there’s defenders and predators on board the ship? Nah.
Disco Elysium kind of throws you in the deep end. What’s a thought cabinet? Why am I mulling on this tie? What do any of these stats mean?
Does deep rock galactic still have a good and active community? I’ve been looking to get into an L4D2 type shooter for a while, especially one with a progression system. I loved Killing Floor, but it’s kinda dead and passé
Yeah, DRG is still going very strong and you’ll almost never have a bad experience joining up with randoms. The worst thing that might happen is a high level player joining a low hazard mission and speeding through it, denying the less skilled players a chance to experience as much gameplay in that mission. I’ve got a few hundred hours and have only seen a few repeat names across every difficulty level.
Espurts ruins everything as development is reduced to the gripes of too espurts builds to the detriment of all others.
Tribes was great until the new IP dork Erez leaned into espurts twitchers. If you aren’t a light capper you get nerfed to hell because the twitchers cried other classes were doing their jobs, getting skillful at playing outside the box, and ending their le epic quick run during livestreams. Which led to causuals dropping out and a few dozen twitchers running all light capper teams. Which led to the death of the game.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
dwarf fortress is still kinda unplayble at times without dfhack scripts. spend too much time down in the caverns and the nature aggro system kicks in and pretty soon there’s hundreds of invisible enemies dragging down your fps to a painfully slow crawl because the game just has to keep track of their sightlines, a calculation that also inevitably grows more complicated as the map fills up with trees.
also the farming system is a bit silly, you only need like half a hectare of land to feed a small city.